Latinos: On the Drive Seat of the Recovery.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20
PROGRAM # 9416 12:00 PM PDT

Latinos: Between Recognized and Misunderstood

In a change of opinion from recent years, most in the US believe Latinos are a major contributing force to the economy. However, they also have the stereotypical image of  Latinos as being a foreign and low-skilled population, and these misconceptions may hinder Latinos’ progress. A sponsor of the national opinion poll discusses the findings and their meaning.

Guest: Ana Valdez, Executive Director, Latino Donor Collaborative, Los Angeles, CA.

New Education Laws in California. California becomes the first state in the nation to require High School students to take ethnic studies courses in order to graduate. The legislator who spearheaded the bill explains the new law, discusses its benefits, and comments on the road to its implementation. In another story, an advocate discusses a recently-signed law that eases the way for community college students to transfer to four year public colleges in California. These and other state policy changes in education are discussed in this edition.

Guests:  Assemblyman Jose Medina, Democrat- Riverside, CA;  Michele Siqueiros, President, The Campaign for College Opportunity, Los Angeles, CA.


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