The Bilingual Advantage.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, JULY 28.
PROGRAM # 7574 12:00 PM PT

The Bilingual Advantage.

Is being bilingual good for your job prospects? Contrary to what English Only proponents would say, leading scholars conclude that bilingual speakers enjoy a number of economic benefits in today’s globalized U.S. labor market. An education expert discusses the economics of bilingualism for the young workers who enter the new, globalized and digital-age workplace. She also explores a measure on California’s November 2016 ballot to bring back bilingual education to the schoolrooms.

Guest: Patricia Gándara is Research Professor of Education in the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies at UCLA; Co-director of the Civil Rights Project at UCLA; Commissioner on President Obama’s Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanics; Co-Editor of the Book “The Bilingual Advantage: Language, Literacy and the U.S. Labor Market,” Los Angeles, CA.


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