The HEAL Act. Also, Broadband for Students.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, MAY 19
PROGRAM # 9261 12:00 PM PDT

The HEAL Act.

Members of the House and the Senate introduced the HEAL for Immigrant Families Act, a bill that expands health care to immigrants, who have been among the hardest hit by the pandemic. The bill would end the five-year waiting period for immigrants to enroll in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP); ensure that DACA recipients and other immigrants are eligible for federally funded healthcare programs; and Allow all immigrants to buy insurance plans on the Affordable Care Act Marketplace.

Guests: Rep. Nanette Barragán, Co-Sponsor, HEAL Act, D-CA, Washington, DC (TBC); Others TBA.

Broadband for Students. The US Department of Education is launching a campaign to inform millions of families who qualify for the free or reduced-price school lunch program and millions of Pell Grant recipients that they can now get a discount of up to $75 per month on their broadband bills. Also, some families can receive $100 in one-time help in paying for digital devices—such as laptops, tablets, and desktop computers. This may help those students who sat in cars in school or fast-food restaurant parking lots so that they could access school Wi-Fi to complete their assignments. On another story, the Biden administration is reversing a Trump policy that banned undocumented students from receiving federal relief funds to help pay for food, housing, and childcare during the pandemic. The new regulation would allow undocumented students access to some of the emergency relief funds flowing to colleges. Under existing welfare laws, undocumented immigrants remain largely ineligible to receive money from federal programs, including funds provided by Biden’s pandemic relief package.


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