The 2023 Farm Bill. Also, New Mexico One Year of the Fire.

Thursday_673x324 12pm

PROGRAM # 9975 12:00 PM PT

The 2023 Farm Bill.

The Farm Bill, renewed by Congress every five years, is up for reauthorization. The law is seen as a centerpiece for food, farming and nutrition policy in the nation. As Congress is drafting the new bill, officials are pushing for ways to help small farmers to fight poverty and finding new markets for climate-smart products. Some farm groups oppose the majority of spending in the Climate-Smart Commodities pilot program going to big ag business instead of small family farms. Unions are pushing for labor protections. Environmental groups, invoking the challenges of climate change, seek to make permanent the pandemic cover crop program. What’s at stake? Who are the players? What might change this time?

New Mexico One Year of the Fire. A year ago, New Mexico was hit by the largest wildfire in the state’s history. Today, families impacted by the fire are still slowly rebuilding. How long would it take to rebuild? How to access federal aid? How to prevent new disasters?


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