El Salvador Bitcoing Gamble. Also, End of War in Afghanistan.

Thursday _673x324 12pmTHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9
PROGRAM # 9375 12:00 PM PDT

El Salvador Bitcoin Gamble.

El Salvador is becoming this week the first country in the world to adopt crypto-currency as legal tender. Under the Bitcoin Law, businesses will be required to accept it or the US dollar. The Bukele administration pushes this measure as a way to boost economic development and jobs. But the new official currency had a bumpy launching and many Salvadorans say they are not prepared for the move. What does this currency change mean? Is this decision a gamble? Who is at most risk?

Guest: Leonel Herrera, President, ARPAS Community Radio Network, San Salvador, ES

End of War in Afghanistan.

The US military ended its war in Afghanistan, the longest in its history, with the withdrawal of the last US soldiers. The Afghan government collapsed and the Taliban came to power. Political analysts comment on the costs of the 20-year-long war, the effects of the exit, the quick colapse of the US-supported government, the prospects for a new Afghanistan-type of war, the lessons, and the politics of the end of the war.

Guests: Fernando Suárez del Solar, Founder, Guerrero Azteca Project, San Diego, CA; Medea Benjamin, Political Activist, Cofounder, CODEPINK, San Francisco, CA.

Photo: logincasino.org

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