Kern: Student Expulsions, Sanctuary Fight.


PROGRAM # 8119 12:00 PM PT

Kern: Student Expulsions, Sanctuary Fight.

California’s Kern County high schools agreed to settle a discrimination lawsuit which claimed that Latino and Black students are expelled at rates significantly higher than the other students. Advocates discuss this development, and comment on a report showing close ties between county sheriffs and major nativist groups from the anti-immigrant movement, as well as recent calls by local Sheriff Donny Youngblood for anti-sanctuary policies. The challenges to elect leaders to public office and hold them accountable to their constituents is also discussed.

Guests: Dolores Huerta, President, Dolores Huerta Foundation, Bakersfield, CA; Sahar Durali, Directing Attorney, California Rural Legal Assistance – CRLA, Delano, CA; Virginia Melchor, Mother of Affected Son, Plaintiff, Bakersfield, CA


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