Latino Retirees and the Nest Egg.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25.
PROGRAM # 7660 12:00 PM PT

Latino Retirees and the Nest Egg.

Social Security benefits make most of the income for nearly half of Latino elders and many live on the edge of poverty because they have not saved for retirement. An official of the Social Security Administration talks about how to make the most of social security benefits. An expert also comments on a plan announced by President Obama to help create government-backed retirement accounts for those who don’t have access to employer-sponsored retirement plans, and new types of state-based pension plans for workers in the private sector.

Guests: Mariaelena Lemus, Public Affairs Specialist, Social Security Administration, San Jose, CA; Eva Dominguez, Directora Ejecutiva, Latinos for a Secure Retirement, Washington, D.C.,


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