California’s Rent Control Initiative.

Friday_673x324 11FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9
PROGRAM #9035 11:00 AM PT

California’s Rent Control Initiative.

California is voting again on rent control. Proposition 21 would expand the housing units that could be covered by rent control to almost all, as long as they are more than 15 years old. Fears to a wave of evictions due to the pandemic are fueling the new push. Activists from opposite sides discuss the issue. A small landlord warns that Proposition 21 will affect the economy of small houseowners and thus, by concentrating ownership on corporate landlords, it will end up hitting tenants. A tenant advocate says Prop 21 is needed because it’s time to put a cap on landlord greed, especially in times of pandemic.

Guests: Carlos Padilla, No on 21 Campaign, Los Altos, CA; Elena Popp, Executive Director, Eviction Defense Network, Yes on 21, Los Angeles, CA.


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