Los Angeles Teachers Strike: Third Day. Also, Universal Basic Income vs Universal Basic Assets. Also, Financial Literacy and the Poor.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16
PROGRAM # 8522 12:00 PM PT

Los Angeles Teachers Strike: Third Day.

With negotiations stalled, more than 30 thousand teachers in Los Angeles continue their strike, considered as the largest of its kind in the nation’s history. Tens of thousands demonstrate dressed in red in the city’s downtown. A top union official explains the reasons of the labor stoppage and the state of the conversations.

Guest: Juan Ramirez, Vice President, United Teachers Los Angeles-UTLA, Los Angeles, CA

Universal Basic Income vs Universal Basic Assets. As Stockton in California, and some nations experiment with the idea of universal basic income, an analyst of the economy suggests instead a system of universal basic assets, as a better way to address poverty and the racial wealth divide, and move people from consumers to creators of wealth.

Guest: Robert Friedman, Founder and Chair Emeritus, Prosperity Now, Author of Book “A Few Thousand Dollars”, San Francisco, CA.

Financial Literacy and the Poor. Most financial advice is tailored for middle class people in trouble, according to experts. Even more, it’s often designed not to provide advise, but to sell financial products. Is there any money advice poor people can use? How to keep a savings account and manage your money when you can’t even pay your tent? A renowned financial adviser explores these questions.

Guest: Louis Barajas, Founder and CEO, Wealth Management LAB, Author of Five Books on Financial Literacy for Latinos, Los Angeles, CA.

Photo: weforum.org

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