Historic March to Austin: 50 Years.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8
PROGRAM # 7875 12:00 PM PT

Historic March to Austin: 50 Years.

In 1966, fruit workers went on strike in the melon fields of Starr County, in Southern Texas, and, to dramatize their quest for a livable wage, the strikers marched 400 miles from Rio Grande City to the state Capitol in Austin. This labor strike and long march, supported by the UFW, is credited with helping galvanize the Chicano Movement. On the 50th anniversary of this epic event, veterans of the march share their memories.

Guests: Rebecca Flores, Former Texas State Director 1975-2005, United Farm Workers, Austin, TX; Guadalupe Guzmán, Marcher, Rio Grande City, TX; Efraín Carrera, Melon Striker, McAllen, TX; Herminia Ramírez, Marcher, Rio Grande City, TX; Gilberto Padilla, co-founder UFW, coordinator of Texas strike, Fresno, CA

Photo: farmworkers2016.org

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