Is Relief on Sight? Black, Latino Businesses Struggle to Get PPP Loans. Farmworkers and Coronavirus.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, DECEMBER 21
PROGRAM # 9123 12:00 PM PST

Is Relief on Sight?

Negotiators in Congress worked over the weekend to finalize a deal on a smaller coronavirus stimulus bill. What’s the content of the relief deal? How much was included in the package for the unemployed, tenants in trouble, the hungry, mixed-status immigrant families?

Guests: Jose Lopez Zamorano, Reporter, Washington, DC

Black, Latino Businesses Struggle to Get PPP Loans. Latino, Black and Asian neighborhoods in California benefited less from the pandemic emergency loans distributed nationwide through the Paycheck Protection Program. Academic researchers say that future federal pandemic relief should earmark funds for businesses in communities of color in order to fight the widening of economic inequality. An author of the research explains the findings.

Guest: Dr. Rodrigo DomÍnguez-Villegas, Director of Research, Latino Politics and Policy Initiative, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.

Farmworkers and Coronavirus. Latino farmworkers in a farming county in California are a disproportionate number of Covid-19 cases and fatalities. And while they see Covid-19 as a real threat, many continue going to work even after testing positive and having symptoms because they were concerned of losing their job, losing their pay or because their employer told them to.

Guest: Ana María Mora, Assistant Researcher, Center for Environmental Research and Children’s Health, School of Public Health, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.


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