Trade War and Farmers Bailout.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, AUGUST 2
PROGRAM # 8394 12:00 PM PT

Trade War and Farmers Bailout.

President Trump threatened billions of dollars in more tariffs against nearly all imports from China and some close allies. China, Canada, the European Union, Mexico and other countries responded in kind with retaliatory tariffs against US products. Observers expect this trade war to cause price increases and a hit to the economy of consumers and business. And in a move in the middle of the midterms, Trump is giving 12 billion in aid for farmers affected by Trump’s trade policies. On other matter, on Mexico’s new administration, an economist anticipates a new perspective but no radical change in the renegotiation of NAFTA. A top leader of Mexican indigenous communities doesn’t expect a major change towards Mexico’s indigenous populations under the new administration. And a candidate for California US Senate seat discusses his plans to address extreme poverty, unemployment, water contamination and other chronic ills in California’s San Joaquin Valley.

Guests: Dr. Raul Hinojosa, Founding Director, UCLA North American Integration and Development Center (NAID) Center, Chairman and CEO, San Francisco Global Holdings, LLC, Los Angeles, CA; Mario Luna Romero, Spokesperson, Traditional Authorities of the Yaqui Tribe in Sonora; Coordinator of International Affairs for Mexico’s Indigenous Governing Council-Indigenous National Congress, Sonora; State Senator Kevin De León, Candidate to US Senate, Los Angeles, CA.


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