Citizenship Question Threatens Census. Also, Farmworkers: Top Issues.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3
PROGRAM # 8235 12:00 PM PT

Citizenship Question Threatens Census.

The Justice Department push to include a question on citizenship and immigration status in the 2020 Census form will be a disaster, will discourage participation from immigrants, threatens the integrity of the count, and it’s guided by political or ideological motives. That’s the opinion of a Census count expert and civil rights advocate, who predicts that public furor will force Census leaders to reject the request.

Guest: Edward Kissam, Expert on Census Counts, Public Opinion Surveys and Migrant Communities, Member of Census Fundor Initiative, Oakland, CA.

Farmworkers: Top Issues. The leader of the largest farm labor union in the US comments on the historic law in California that provides overtime pay for farmworkers, the efforts to pass a Dream Act and to protect guest workers, the global partnership with Costco and other business and environmental organizations for fair food agreements, and the races to watch in November, including a possible presidential bid by Luis Gutiérrez.

Guest: Arturo Rodriguez, President, United Farm Workers (UFW), Keene, CA


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