
California Gov. Brown signed new laws that expand rights for the undocumented and press the issue of immigration reform nationally. One law limits immigrant detentions and another one grants driver’s licenses to the undocumented. An activist leader comments on these and other news developments in the immigration area.

Guest: Angelica Salas, Executive Director, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA), Los Angeles, CA,

ALSO, NO DEPORTATIONS. More than 300 people closed ICE offices in Phoenix, and an undocumented teenager chained herself to the gates of one of the most feared detention centers in the country. These actions were part of a movement that seeks to stop deportations.

Guests: Neidi Dominguez, Organizer, California Immigrant Youth Justice Alliance, Phoenix, AZ; Sandy Estrada, activist, Puente Arizona, Phoenix, AZ.



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