Facing a Wildfire Insurance Crisis.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, MAY 25
PROGRAM # 9633 12:00 PM PT

Facing a Wildfire Insurance Crisis.

As more and harder wildfires hit the West, survivors who lost their homes are finding insurance coverage and emergency aid is not enough to rebuild after the wildfire. Because of high insurance premiums, many buy limited coverage. In this program, wildfire survivors talk about their experience, their surprises and their lessons; an insurance industry representative explains policies for homeowners, renters and business owners that cover wildfire-caused property damage; a FEMA official talks about federal money available to repair or replace a residence and gives advice to affected immigrant homeowners; and a state leader proposes new regulations to harden houses against fires and drive down the cost of insurance coverage.

Guests: Antonio Velázquez, Homeowner, Survivor of Glass Fire, Napa, CA; Elise Chavez, Homeowner, Survivor of Marshall Fire, Westminster, CO; Daniel Llargues, Spokesperson, FEMA, Washington, DC; Pete Moraga, Spokesperson and Expert on Insurance, American Property Casualty Insurance Association (APCIA), Los Angeles, CA; Ricardo Lara, California’s Insurance Commissioner, Los Angeles, CA.

Photo: State Farm via flickr

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