Social Explosion in San Quintin.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, MARCH 31.
PROGRAM # 7486 12:00 PM PT

Social Explosion in San Quintin.

Thousands of farm workers in rich the agro-export region of San Quintin Valley went on strike demanding higher wages, better working conditions and enrollment in Mexico’s safety net. After blocking the main highway, anti-riot police cracked down on the protesters, detaining hundreds. Leaders of farmworkers, agribusiness and the Mexican government are engaged in marathonic negotiations. Leading participants in the round of talks join this on-air discussion.

Guests: Fidel Sanchez, spokesperson, Alliance of National, State and Municipal Organizations for Social Justice of San Quintín, Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico; Hector Lujan, Chief Operating Officer, BerryMex, Santa Maria, CA

Photo: Movimiento Estudiantil Baja California/Facebook

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