Fairness in the Fields. Also, The Call for a Green New Deal.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13
PROGRAM # 8542 12:00 PM PT

Fairness in the Fields.

Democratic US legislators introduced the Fairness for Farm Workers Act to end the exclusion of farm workers from federal labor protections such as overtime pay and minimum wage. At the same time, advocates in New York push for a state law granting farm workers equal treatment as other workers.

Guests: Diana Tellefson Torres, directora ejecutiva, UFW Foundation, Los Angeles, CA

The Call for a Green New Deal. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez introduced a resolution calling for a Green New Deal, in reference to President Roosevelt’s “New Deal” economic and labor reforms during the Great Depression. The resolution offers a roadmap for a 10-year massive public investment in renewable and zero-emission energy sources and create millions of well-paid jobs to overhaul the nation’s infrastructure. What’s in the plan? A well known columnist and environmentalist comments on the story.

Guests: Javier Sierra, Associate Director of Communications/Columnist, Sierra Club, Washington, D.C

Photo: thestand.org

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