Latina Entrepreneurs.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5
PROGRAM # 8753 12:00 PM PT

Latina Entrepreneurs.

Without money and some without documents, Latina immigrant women draw on their ancestral cultural traditions and community-driven practices to find the strength and tools to start new businesses and prosper against all odds. Leading women who recently met in a summit in Berkeley share ideas on how to fight old biases and taboos, help heal entire communities, and empower themselves in the financial area.

Guests: Dr. Concha Saucedo-Martínez, Founder, Instituto Familiar de la Raza, San Francisco, CA; Dr. Sonia Ordónez, Gynecologist, Kaiser Permanente, San Francisco, CA; Claudia Arroyo, Director, Community Education, Prospera, Oakland, CA.


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