Clean Energy Jobs Hit Hard by Pandemic. Also, Climate Crisis Endangers Workers Health.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9
PROGRAM # 9001 12:00 PM PT

Clean Energy Jobs Hit Hard by Pandemic.

Latinos are among the hardest hit by the loss of jobs and they are at risk of losing more jobs in the second wave of firings due to the coronavirus crisis. One industry where Latinos had made inroads and now bear the brunt of recession is clean energy, especially solar and wind. After years of rapid job growth, the clean energy sector is being severely hit by the Covid-19 pandemic crisis, as well as the economic and environmental policies of the Trump administration. What’s ahead for the clean energy industry and its workers?

Guest: Enrique Rosero, Energy and Risk Assessment Analyst, Former Technical Expert with ExxonMobil, Houston, TX.

Climate Crisis Endangers Workers Health. Climate change isn’t just a health threat for outdoor workers. Indoor workers such as teachers, first responders, health care workers, janitors and others are facing climate-related health threats. Among the risks are: excessive heat, increasing air and water pollution, spreading infectious diseases, extreme weather, and other serious threats. This warning is part of the study: “On the Front Lines: Climate Change Threatens the Health of America’s Workers.” This program also includes a report on the wildfires that have ravaged more than two million acres in California and have created thick and huge plumes of toxic smoke that is impacting the health of millions.

Guest: Linda Escalante, Southern California Legislative Consultant, The Natural Resources Defense Council, Los Angeles, CA.


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