The Trial of Andrés Cruz. Also, Bill to Stem Dairy Workers Deaths.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3.
PROGRAM # 7710 12:00 PM PT

The Trial of Andrés Cruz.

A well-known leader of the Triqui community, farm worker organizer and immigration reform activist is in jail in California’s Salinas Valley accused of extortion against a fellow countryman on behalf of a Oaxacan armed group. Local activists are speaking up in support of Andrés Cruz, claiming the abysmal lack of understanding of the Triqui culture and community by the prosecution is compromising a fair trial.

Guests: Brian Worthington, Defense Attorney for Andrés Cruz, Salinas, CA; Agapito Vazquez, Former City Councilmember, Friend and Supporter of Andres Cruz, Greenfield, CA.

Bill to Stem Dairy Workers Deaths. Claiming that dairy workers in the state of Washington are injured at an average rate of more than one per day, an injury rate higher than most private industries, labor and faith leaders are announcing a landmark dairy safety bill at the state Capitol in Olympia. The legislature started action on this bill in recent days.

Guests: Indira Trejo, Global Impact Coordinator, UFW, Tacoma, WA; Rep. Brady Walkinshaw, D-Seattle, Seattle, WA; Alberto Ayala, Former Dairy Worker, Sunnyside, WA.


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