Hunger and Obesity Among Latinos. Also, Latino Youth at High Risk.


PROGRAM # 7957 12:00 PM PST.

Hunger and Obesity Among Latinos.

Latino families in California suffer from higher rates of hunger, obesity, and overweight in part because they are low-income and live in communities with fewer healthy food retailers. An advocate discusses the findings of this research.

Guest: Alejandra Gepp, Asociate Director, Institute for Hispanic Health, National Council of la Raza, Washington, DC
Latino Youth at High Risk. Latino youth fear joblessness, student debt, neighborhood violence and police, and the recent election has brought the added fears of deportation and hate crimes. Despite their resiliency, they appear to suffer from depression and risk of suicide more than others. A civil rights organization makes a call to action to invest in mental health services for these youth and their families.

Guests: Linda Sprague Martinez, Assistant Professor of Social Work, Boston University, Lead Author, “Barriers to Wellness: Voices and Views from Young People in Five Cities,” The Center for Promise, Boston, MA; Catalina Tang, Advisor for Youth Engagement, The Center for Promise, Boston University, Boston, MA


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