Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, JULY 9
PROGRAM # 9313 12:00 PM PDT

Mexico Edition.

The three trade representatives from Mexico, the US and Canada met in Mexico City to mark the first year of TMEC. They agreed in celebrating the economic growth under the agreement and comparing integration to a hamburger, where meat comes from Mexico, lettuce from the US, and Canada provides the bread. Tai, the US rep, insisted in testing compliance with Mexico’s new labor reforms; Ng, the Canadian rep, highlighted the fact that the meeting was led by three women and the role women have in the region’s economy; Clouthier from Mexico ratified her administration commitment to make progress in the labor and environmental sector. On other topic, Mexican indigenous leaders talked about the historic series of forums being held around Mexico and in Los Angeles to get community input on the proposed constitutional reform on the rights of indigenous and AfroMexican peoples. Finally, community organizations in Los Angeles drafted a map with data collected during the Covid-19 pandemic to identify the areas in the region where people from Mexico and Guatemala who speak indigenous languages live. They draw attention to the need of appropriate interpretation for these communities.

Guests: Citlali Saenz, Reporter, Mexico City; Dr. Gaspar Rivera Salgado, Advisor, Frente Indígena Oaxaqueño Binacional (FIOB), Project Director at UCLA Center for Labor Research and Education, Director the Institute for Transnational Social Change, Los Angeles, CA; Abel Barrera Hernández, Anthropologist, Founder and Director, Center for Human Rights of the Mountain Tlachinollan, Tlapa, Guerrero, Mexico


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