Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11
PROGRAM # 9004 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

Internationally acclaimed Cuban singer-songwriter Silvio Rodríguez released on digital platforms the album “Para la espera (For the Wait), which is dedicated to the memory of friends who recently passed away. The album is also a gift and a message of hope to those who struggle with the stress and isolation of the current pandemic, as Rodríguez explains in this interview. This program includes a conversation with the representative of a broad US coalition that addressed an open letter to presidential candidates Joe Biden and Donald Trump, urging them to adopt a new policy guided by Good Neighbor principles towards the nations in Latin America and the Caribbean. He proposes a new, partnering approach in areas such as trade, immigration, militarization, and economic sanctions. And on the anniversary of September 11, he reflects on the similarities and differences between the two September 11 tragedies, including the one in 1973, when US-supported Chilean armed forces bombed and destroyed the presidential palace of Salvador Allende.

Guests: Silvio Rodriguez, Pioneering Troubadour, Havana, Cuba; Leonardo Flores, Coordinator, Latin America Campaigns, CODEPINK, Washington, DC.


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