Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, JULY 17
PROGRAM # 8948 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

In this weekly program, a federal public defender in Mexico tells the story of an indigenous Oaxacan woman, arrested in a drug checkpoint, who became trapped in and railroaded by the criminal justice system for being a woman and for being indigenous, as she was deprived of the right to receive interpretation in her language. The lawyer who led her defense talks about the “asymmetry of power” that plagued the process and discusses reforms that are needed in Mexico’s criminal justice system. In addition, the 95-year-old Mexican actor Ignacio López Tarso, talks about how staying at home because of the pandemic has deprived him of continuing to work in the theater works he has dreamed of. In addition, the Mexican government asks to extend restrictions on border crossing in order to prevent the spread of the pandemic.

Guests: Rita Ramírez, Federal Public Defender, Instituto Federal de Defensoría Pública de México, Oaxaca City; Ignacio López Tarso, Acclaimed Mexican Actor, Interviewed by El Andamio, IMER, Mexico City.


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