Extra Edition: Undocufunds.

Tuesday_673x324 11amTUESDAY, MAY 11
PROGRAM # 9252 11:00 AM PDT

Extra Edition: Undocufunds.

Immigrant advocates are back urging the city of Fresno in Central California to invest money into a legal aid fund to help defend families threatened with deportation. The President of the Council is sponsoring the initiative and also comments on the proposed creation of a Formal Office for Immigrant Assistance. On another story, after a farm worker died of Covid and his family could not get federal aid to pay for the funeral, state legislators are introducing the AB868 bill that would provide state assistance to pay funeral expenses related to Covid or for any state of emergency, to low-income families, including the undocumented. The widow of the deceased farm worker shares all what she has been doing to pay for the funeral expenses and the troubles she continues to go through with her debt and with shortened working hours. Listeners are encouraged to call in to give their opinions on the pandemic and the vaccine.

Guests: Luis Chavez, City Council Chair, Fresno, CA; Nadia López, News Reporter, The Fresno Bee, Central Valley News Collaborative, Fresno, CA; Claudia Medina, Widow of Covid-Victim Pedro Cruz Mendoza, Hanford, CA.

Photo: ktxtfm.org 

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