Extra Edition: A Program Repeat. Lower Medicare Drug Costs. Foreclosures Relief. Farmworker March.

Tuesday_673x324  11amTUESDAY, AUGUST 30
PROGRAM # 9729 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: A Program Repeat. Lower Medicare Drug Costs.

A recently approved law allows Medicare to negotiate with manufacturers the prices for some high-cost drugs and limits price increases. How soon will seniors expect to see a reduction in those prices and save money?

Guest: Gilberto Cabrera, Spokesperson, Outreach Adviser, AARP, Washington, DC.

Foreclosures Relief. Some areas of California are seeing an increase in home foreclosures and, historically, homeowners from communities of color are at higher risk. An expert talks about how homeowners facing pandemic-related hardships can benefit from a recently-expanded financial relief program from the Covid era.

Guest: Brandi García-Valdés, Outreach Specialist, California Mortgage Relief Program, Los Angeles, CA.

Farmworker March. A report from the 335-mile long march from Delano to Sacramento by union activists who seek union voting rights, and visas and citizenship for farmworkers.

Guests: Antonio Cortés, March Captain, UFW Regional Organizer, Madera, CA; Teresa Romero, President, UFW, Marcher, Bakersfield, CA; Doroteo Jiménez, Marcher, Father of María Isabel, Young Farmworker Who Died of Heatstroke and Inspired New Law, Stockton, CA.

Photo: Medicare via facebook

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