Extra Edition: Low-wage workers lose paid sick leave.

Tuesday 11am_673x324TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19
PROGRAM # 9414 11:00 AM PDT

Extra Edition: Low-wage workers lose paid sick leave.

In California, a law that provided employees with extended paid time off during the pandemic has expired as advocates call for extending the law. They say workers of low wage are being most impacted by the pandemic, the recent Delta variant surge, and the crisis. Meanwhile, the federal government has ended its tax credits for employers that provided the leave. A reporter brings the news, a top labor official explains the state benefits still available after supplemental paid sick leave, a state legislator reports on efforts to pass extended relief, and a farmworker advocate stresses on the continuing need for Covid-related sick leave and calls on the legislature to address the issue in a multi-faceted way.  

Guests: Nadia Lopez, News Reporter, The Fresno Bee/Central Valley News Collaborative, Fresno, CA; Lilia Garcia-Brower, California Labor Commissioner, Sacramento, CA; State Sen. Melissa Hurtado, California State Senate, D-Sanger, Sacramento, CA; Diana Tellefson-Torres, Executive Director, United Farm Workers Foundation, Los Angeles, CA.

Photo: napeafscme.org

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