Extra Edition: Drought and Farmworker Migration. (A Program Repeat.)

Thursday_673x324 11amTHURSDAY, DECEMBER 8
PROGRAM # 9848 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: Drought and Farmworker Migration. (A Program Repeat.)

California’s prolonged drought is forcing the San Joaquin Valley to put hundreds of thousands acres out of production, causing the loss of thousands of jobs. This worsening crisis, exacerbated by climate change, may lead to a drought-driven migration of Dust Bowl proportions. What’s the impact of the current drought on farm working families? Are they really leaving or thinking about leaving the valley in a mass farmworker flight? News reporters visited Huron, a community in West Fresno County surrounded by fallow agricultural lands, hit hard by the drought, and heard from farmworkers and city officials. Listeners call in and share their opinions. This program aired on Nov 15.

Guests: Ana Trejo, Member, Líderes Campesinas,Huron, Huron, CA; Nayamin Martinez, Executive Director, la Red de Justicia Ambiental del Centro de California, Fresno, CA; Esther Quintanilla, KVPR/Central Valley News Collaborative, Fresno, CA; Melissa Montalvo, The Fresno Bee/Central Valley News Collaborative, Fresno, CA.

Photo: National Integrated Drought Information System via Facebook

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