Extra Edition: Final deadline for Open Enrollment. Also, Retiring During the Pandemic.

PROGRAM # 9512 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: Final deadline for Open Enrollment.

As the open-enrollment deadline nears, California reports a record number of insured people, including Latinos. Officials make a final push for people to sign up, highlighting the new financial help and the risks of the pandemic.

Guest: Patricia Ward, Spokesperson, Covered California, Sacramento, CA.

Retiring During the Pandemic.

US workers are quitting their jobs in record numbers. Many Latinos retired earlier than planned due to the pandemic. According to data, the job market by 2022 will heavily favor the skills and practical abilities of workers. Will the greater emphasis on skills and experience convince Latinos who retired early to return to work?

Guest: Karina Flores Hertz, Directora de Comunicaciones, AARP, Washington, DC.


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