Extra Edition: Relief for Micro Business.

Tuesday_673x324 11amTUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22
PROGRAM # 9540 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: Relief for Micro Business.

Micro business hit hard by the pandemic and struggling for survival can now receive financial assistance from California to help them recover. A state legislator reaches out to this community to help them navigate the system. On another story, cardiovascular disease remains the No. 1 killer of women and is the leading cause of maternal mortality – taking the lives of 1 in 3 women each year. Why is heart disease still the leading killer of women? What can women do to prevent it? Finally, Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico like no storm before. Still, in the middle of the destruction, the disaster sowed the seeds of power and activism among the youth. The film “We Still Here” features a group of young residents from the mountain town of Comerío who travel to Washington to protest in the halls of Congress in an effort to find recovery, reconstruction and a sustainable future for their community.

Guests: Anna Caballero, California State Senator, Salinas, CA; Dr. Monik C. Jiménez, Associate Epidemiologist, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health; Eli  Jacobs-Fantauzzi, Film Maker, “We Still Here,” San Francisco, CA; Diana Morales, Subject Featured in Film, Puerto Rico; Mariangeli Ortiz Ortiz, Subject featured in the Film, Puerto Rico.

Photo: U.S. Small Business Administration via facebook

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