Extra Edition: Reporting on a Covid-19 Hard-Hit Area.

Tuesday_673x324 11TUESDAY, MARCH 16
PROGRAM # 9196 11:00 AM PST

Extra Edition: Reporting on a Covid-19 Hard-Hit Area.

Because they make up the majority of low-wage essential workers and faced with lack of insurance, language barriers and discrimination, Latinos and other communities of color in the San Joaquin Valley are the hardest hit by the coronavirus. In order to amplify their stories on how they navigate the challenges of schooling, health care, housing and jobs, media organizations from Fresno are joining forces. The Fresno Bee and Vida en el Valle, Valley Public Radio and Radio Bilingüe are launching the Central Valley Collaborative Lab to report on the impact of the pandemic in the valley’s most ravaged communities.

Guests: Rebecca Plevin, Central Valley Collaborative Project Manager, Fresno, CA; Madi Bolaños, Reporter, Valley Public Radio, Fresno, CA; Hugo Morales, Executive Director, Radio Bilingüe, Fresno, CA.

Photo: calmatters.org

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