Extra Edition: Covid Protections. Also, Census Count Ending.

Wednesday_673x324 11WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14
PROGRAM #9041 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: Covid Protections.

The Cal/OSHA Standards Board voted for faster and stronger rules to protect workers in all industries from COVID-19 in the workplace, as workplaces such as meat processing, grocery stores, and fast food have become ground zero in the fight against COVID-19. A legal expert also comments on AB 685, a new law in California that requires employers to give workers notice that they may have been exposed to Covid-19 within one business day and other protections on Covid-19 sick leave and pay.

Guest: Karín Umfrey, Staff Attorney, Worksafe, Oakland, CA

Census Count Ending. The US Supreme Court allowed theTrump administration to end the census count early, in a blow to efforts to ensure a full count of immigrants, and communities of color. The end of all counting activities is now scheduled for the next day, Oct 15. A leading census promoter explains the meaning of the decision and the last-minute outreach efforts to hard to count communities.

Guest: Cindy Quezada, Senior Program Officer, Region 6 Census Outreach, Sierra Health Foundation, Fresno, CA

Photo: Eanet, PC/Facebook

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