Extra Edition: Orale Covid-19! Also, Farm Workers: Shortchanged.

Monday_673x324 11MONDAY, OCTOBER 5
PROGRAM #9027 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: Orale Covid-19!

Medical researchers will soon be visiting farm working towns and neighborhoods in California’s Central Valley to offer free Covid-19 testing for farmworkers. In coordination with local community groups, clinicians and lab technicians will tour areas where coronavirus is out of control on mobile health vans to provide rapid antigen testing. The project is known as “Orale Covid-19,” which is short for Organizations to Reduce and to Advance and Lead for Equity against Covid-19.

Guest: Dr. Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola, Director, UC Davis Center for Reducing Health Disparities, Davis, CA.

Farm Workers: Shortchanged. The Trump administration said that it no longer intends to collect data on the money paid to migrant farmworkers. This is the information that determines the mandated rate of pay for workers on H-2A work visas, who make up 10% of farm labor. By failing to do the survey, workers could instead be paid as low as 7.25 an hour, which would impact not just the income of guest workers, but other farm workers. An analyst examines the potential impact of this policy.

Guest: Daniel Costa, Director of Immigration Law and policy Research, Economic Policy Institute, Washington, DC.

Photo: thecounter.org

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