Extra Edition: Historic Overtime Pay for Farmworkers. Also, Reaching Out to the Unvaccinated.

miercoles-11amTHURSDAY, JANUARY 27
PROGRAM # 9515 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: Historic Overtime Pay for Farmworkers. California farmworkers have now the right to get the same overtime pay that most other workers have. The new law, first of its kind in the nation, began taking full effect on January 1st for most businesses and farms. A news reporter explains the details of the new state law and the debate that continues surrounding its implementation. Listeners call in to share contrasting opinions, from those who fear to lose income due to the reduction of work hours, to those who welcome the new law as a step to stop the abuse of workers in the fields and encourage others not to fear change in protective labor laws.

Guest: Nadia López, News Reporter, The Fresno Bee/Central Valley News Collaborative, Fresno, CA.

Reaching Out to the Unvaccinated. Community health promoters are walking through neighborhoods taking their vaccination message door to door to hesitant residents. Since most unvaccinated people are opponents of the Covid-19 vaccine, they usually engage in tough conversations. What are the toughest questions they face during their visits to homes, swap-meets and churches? How do they address them? A listener who said he is not fully vaccinated and got infected with Covid expressed distrust in the vaccine because of what he called endless numbers of boosters. On the other side, an elderly woman reported she received all the shots and the doctor tells her she is in excellent health condition.

Guest: Erika Fernández Zamora, Interim Director, Fuerzas Unidas, Tulare, CA.

Photo: Russ Allison Roar via flickr

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