Extra Edition: Latinos and Cancer. Also, Checks for Farmworkers.

Tuesday_673x324 11amTUESDAY, JUNE 28
PROGRAM # 9666 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: Latinos and Cancer.

National cancer experts released a new report calling attention to the conditions that perpetuate cancer disparities and other health challenges. Among the findings: Latinos have a mortality rate of liver cancer that is nearly double that of the rest of the population; residents of low-income areas share a disproportionate burden of cancer deaths; people living in rural areas have higher death rates from all cancers combined compared to those in urban areas; and culturally-competent cancer screening programs are more successful in improving cancer screening and early detection. A top representative of the study discusses the findings.

Guest: Mariana Stern, Ph.D., Member, American Association for Cancer Research, Professor, Preventive Medicine and Urology, Associate Director of Population Sciences, University of Southern California/Keck School of Medicine/Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, Los Angeles, CA.

Checks for Farmworkers. State Sen. Melissa Hurtado is advancing a bill that would provide financial relief for farmworkers who have been hit by the drought. The Farmworkers Drought Resilience Pilot Project bill would set aside money for cash payments for eligible farmworkers, including the undocumented. The checks would supplement lost pay because farmworkers are working less hours due to the drought. This is an interview with the bill’s author.

Guest: State Sen. Melissa Hurtado, D-Sanger, Sacramento, CA.

Photo: National Cancer Institute via Unspalsh

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