Extra Edition: California Reopening Today.

Tuesday_673x324 11amTUESDAY, JUNE 15
PROGRAM # 9287 11:00 AM PDT

Extra Edition: California Reopening Today.

California reopens the economy today, June 15, removing restrictions for most businesses and activities after 15 months of emergency measures. What will change starting today? What are the new mask and social distancing rules? What about the new Covid testing rules? Health officials and experts answer these and other questions from listeners.

Guests: Dr. Amy Gutierrez, PharmD, Vice President and Chief Pharmacy Officer Director, UCHealth, Member of the American Society of Health System Pharmacists, Denver, CO; Dr. Sarah Lopez, Medical Expert, Los Angeles Department of Health Services, Los Angeles, CA; Dr. Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola, Director, Center for Reducing Health Disparities, UC Davis, Davis, CA.

Photo: CA Public Health/Twitter

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