Extra Edition: Climate Corps, Hunger Aid.

Tuesday_673x324 11amTUESDAY, JUNE 8
PROGRAM # 9280 11:00 AM PDT

Extra Edition: Climate Corps, Hunger Aid.

Young activists are marching for more than 250 miles from the wildfire-ravaged town of Paradise to San Francisco to urge US legislators to support an equity-focused Civilian Climate Corps that would employ thousands to combat the climate crisis. A parallel march is taking place in the Gulf coast from New Orleans to Houston, following the path of recent environmental disasters. On another topic, with nearly 30% Latino households reporting hunger in California, the state legislature is working to extend the food assistance programs to all, including eligible immigrants, under the slogan of Food for All. A leading legislator says she is optimistic Gov. Newsom will agree with the legislature to provide funding for this program in the new budget.

Guests: California State Sen. Melissa Hurtado, D-Sanger, Sacramento, CA; Verónica Arciaga Barriga, Regional Manager, Promotoras Visión y Compromiso, Member, Food for All California Coalition, Los Angeles, CA; Catalina Carbajal, Member, Sunrise Movement, San Diego, CA

Photo: Sunrise Movement/Facebook

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