Extra Edition: Health Workers Cooperative.

Tuesday_673x324 11AMTUESDAY, JUNE 7
PROGRAM # 9645 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: Health Workers Cooperative.

Health care workers are in short supply and many people are feeling this severe shortage through canceled appointments and overcrowded hospitals. In response, a new organization, announced as the first worker-owned healthcare staffing cooperative, is recruiting and placing health care workers in hospitals and health facilities. A leader of the project explains. Also, after attending the US Conference of Mayors, the leader of a rural town in California talks about investments made in youth thanks to the American Rescue Plan funding and the challenges posed by the extreme drought to agricultural communities. Finally, a historic leader from Southern Texas talks about the dramatic under-representation of Mexicans in the devastated Uvalde area and the challenge they face to overcome a political structure that doesn’t listen to their needs.

Guests: Uriel Sáenz, Chief Financial Officer, AlliedUp, Houston, TX; Mayor Javier Lopez, City of Ceres, Ceres, CA; (audio segment) Jose Angel Gutiérrez, Professor, Lawyer, Social Activist, Riverside, CA.

Photo: cdc.gov

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