Extra Edition: How to Save Money and Beat Inflation. Also, Digital Deserts and Digital Citizens.

Tuesday_673x324 11amTUESDAY, JULY 19
PROGRAM # 9687 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: How to Save Money and Beat Inflation.

Seniors and retirees on fixed incomes are getting hit the hardest by rising prices. In response, an organization that advocates for people over the age of 50 has just published “99 Great Ways to Save,” a collection of practical tips to beat inflation and save money in these times of record-setting price hikes. A representative shares tips, from how to spend less on fuel for cars to saving on groceries at the supermarket

Guest: Gil Cabrera, Spokesperson, AARP, Washington, DC.

Digital Deserts and Digital Citizens. The learning of rural children and the health of low-income families has been affected because of lack of access to broadband Internet service, especially during the pandemic. California is building an open-access network to reach residents with high-capacity fiber optic lines. Are these lines reaching the “digital deserts” in rural California?.

Guest: Stanley Santos, Community Activist, Fresno, CA.

Photo: Markus Winkler via Unsplash

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