Extra Edition: Food for All; Emergency Aid for Tenants.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, JULY 6
PROGRAM # 9308 11:00 AM PDT

Extra Edition: Food for All; Emergency Aid for Tenants.

California becomes the first state in the nation to permanently provide free school meals to K-12 students after Governor Newsom signed the “Food for All” law that supports school nutrition workers and healthy school meals. In another topic, a senior California housing official explains the different emergency relief funds available to tenants struggling to pay rent and homeowners affected by the pandemic, under the largest tenant rescue program in the nation.

Guests: Lourdes Castro Ramírez, Secretary, California Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency, Sacramento, CA; Genoveva Islas, Executive Director, Cultiva la Salud, Member, FUSD School Board, Fresno, CA.

Photo: calmatters.org

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