Coronavirus: Extra Edition – Eviction Tsunami Delayed.

Thursday_673x324 11(3)THURSDAY, JUNE 11
PROGRAM # 8912 11:00 AM PT

Coronavirus: Extra Edition – Eviction Tsunami Delayed.

The expected tsunami of evictions of tenants has been postponed due to court orders or protection laws that ban such actions against those affected by the pandemic. Advocates for the poor comment on such protective actions and the most recent bill in California, AB 1436. They also comment on the higher numbers of homeless people due to the housing crisis and on the ups and downs of the housing market now that many workers are moving from San Francisco, San Jose and New York due to mass layoffs, job losses, and permanent remote work, causing rental prices to drop.

Guests: Attorney Elena Popp, Executive Director, Eviction Defense Network, Los Angeles, CA; Sasha Harnden, Attorney, Western Center on Law and Poverty, Los Angeles, CA.


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