Extra Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 9117TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15
PROGRAM # 9117 11:00 AM PST

Extra Edition.

Without a stimulus deal, an eviction crisis is looming in 2021, after a federal eviction moratorium expires in December. Housing experts discuss the news and provide advice on tenants rights, potential exceptions to protections and resources available under California’s Covid-19 Tenant Relief Act and the CDC orders on nonpayment of rents. On another topic, with Covid-19 cases rising in the country and the holidays around the corner, health care leaders urge people to travel safely and enjoy the holidays without gathering.

Guests: Elena Popp, Executive Director, Eviction Defense Network, Los Angeles, CA; Christian Ramirez, Policy Director, SEIU-United Service Workers West, San Diego, CA.

Photo: AJ+/Twitter

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