Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 12pmTUESDAY, MARCH 21
PROGRAM # 9951 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

Under new rules that will take effect at the end of this month, OSHA will have the authority to issue visa certifications to undocumented workers who have had their wages stolen as well as other workplace abuses, allowing workers to remain in the US while OSHA prosecutes labor rights violations. In other news: As leading immigration scholars state that the University of California has the legal power to provide undocumented students equal access to education, undocumented student organizers at UCLA continue urging the UC leadership to remove hiring restrictions for students who are not protected by DACA or other immigration policies. Finally, the Biden administration proposed a rule that would restrict access to asylum for migrants trying to cross the U.S. border, unless they travel through a third country, apply, and are denied before reaching the US border. What barriers will these migrants may face when seeking asylum in Mexico and other countries?


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