Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 12pmTUESDAY, MARCH 15
PROGRAM # 9562 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

Each year, Equal Pay Day highlights the fact that women on average must work longer for the same amount of pay than men. The wage gap is even greater in the immigrant community. Naturalized immigrant women earn less than naturalized men and undocumented immigrant women earn less than undocumented men. What are the steps toward pay equity? In another topic, the U Visa, created by the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act to protect noncitizen crime victims, may help victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and other crimes. Also, migrant children who were the victims of trafficking, or who were abandoned or neglected by their parents, may be eligible for immigration relief, including T visa and Special Immigrant Juvenile Status. An immigration expert talks about these and other forms of humanitarian protection for noncitizens. Also, as the US welcomes refugees from Ukraine, President Biden should restore access to asylum and revoke Title 42, according to members of Congress.

Guests: Alma Rosa Nieto, Immigration Attorney, American Immigration Lawyers Association – AILA, Los angeles, CA; Xochitl Oseguera, Vice President, MomsRising.


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