Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 12pmTUESDAY, AUGUST 10
PROGRAM # 9344 12:00 PM PDT

Immigration Edition.

Thousands of Mexican factory workers who produce goods for the US are being bused to the US to get J&J vaccines. Officials in both countries hope the program will help reopen the border and restore their economies. Meanwhile, the Biden administration may offer vaccines to migrants in custody at the border soon after they enter the US and before they are processed by border authorities. On another story, a judge who temporarily blocked Texas from cracking down on transportation of migrants amid racial profiling concerns is holding a hearing this week on the case. On another topic: Warning that the Biden administration is exposing people to Covid by continuing detentions at the border and their transfer to facilities across the country, advocates demand ICE to end its transfers and release a safety plan for all detainees.

Guests: Maru Mora Villalpando, Organizer, Latino Advocacy, La Resistencia, Seattle, WA; Others TBA.


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