Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 (8875)TUESDAY, MAY 5
PROGRAM # 8875 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

Leading Democrats in the House are pushing to cancel a provision in the recent coronavirus relief package that bars families with mixed immigration status from getting stimulus payments. A New York congressman comments on this, and on the mixed signals Latinos are getting in New York’s pandemic crisis, and on his request to New York state’s attorney general to investigate Wall Street banks to find out how federal bail out funds ended up in the hands of large companies. In addition, attorneys are filing a lawsuit against the federal government for excluding US citizen children of undocumented parents from IRS stimulus checks contained in the CARES Act. In other news, after it is revealed that several migrant children were infected by the coronavirus, a judge urges immigration authorities to release thousands of detained children who do not pose a risk of flight. Finally, an immigrant, grape-growing listener uses his rise as a farmer and taxpayer as an example to assert that the attacks of “public charge” from Trump are unfounded and another listener decries the little effort of supermarkets and authorities to enforce safety and social distance guidelines.

Guests: Rep. Adriano Espaillat, D-New York, New York, NY; Jossie Flor Sapunar, Communications Director, CASA, Washington, DC; Yliana Johansen-Méndez, Legal Services Director, Immigrant Defenders Law Center, Los Angeles, CA; Jose Paez of Delano, CA; Jose Ramirez of Hanford, CA.


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