Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3
PROGRAM # 8751 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

Apple broke ground to build a mega-campus facility in Austin, where their most powerful computers ever will be made, as CEO Tim Cook gives credit to young immigrants and vows to continue fighting for Apple’s 450 DACA-protected employees. On other story, ICE created a fake university in Michigan to lure and arrest foreign students who paid thousands of dollars in tuition fees in exchange for documents that would allow them to continue living and working in the US with international student visas. And in Arizona, humanitarian volunteer Scott Warren has been exonerated after being prosecuted by the Trump administration harboring two migrants. Finally, hundreds of TPS recipients descended on Capitol Hill in Washington to meet with senators urging them to help solve their limbo and support the Secure Act. Analysts comment on these and other stories.

Guests: Ashley Edgette, Nurse, Volunteer Organizer, No More Deaths, Tucson, AZ; Antonio Arellano, Interim Executive Director, Jolt Action, Houston, TX; José Palma, Spokesperson and Coordinator, National TPS Alliance, Washington, D.C.

Photo: techcindia.blogspot

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