Heartbreaking Separation. Also, Huelga! At Fifty Years.

Wednesday 2 _673x324WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6.
PROGRAM # 7690 12:00 PM PT

Heartbreaking Separation.

Deported moms who live in the border city of Tijuana announce the publication of several books where they tell their heartbreaking stories of deportation and separation from their children. Their leader also comments on the opening of a shelter for deported women and legislation being promoted in Washington.

Guest: Yolanda Varona, Director, Founder, Dreamers’ Moms USA-Tijuana, Tijuana, Mexico.

Also, Huelga! At Fifty Years. Fifty years ago last September, hundreds of mostly Mexican American farm workers voted in Delano to join the strike launched by Filipino grape workers the week before. The great grape strike lasted more than five years, setting in motion a number of historic changes in the nation. Leading figures of the farm worker movement of the 1960s join this repeat program to remember the epic moment.

Guests: Luis Valdez, Playwright, Filmmaker, Co-Founder of El Teatro Campesino, San Juan Bautista, CA; Eliseo Medina, Former Board Member of the United Farm Workers, Former Secretary-Treasurer of the Service Employees International Union, Participant in the 1965 Delano Strike, Washington, DC.

Photo: DREAMers’ MOMS/Facebook / aarp.org

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