César Chavez Day. Also, Immigrant Sheepherders Low Pay.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, APRIL 4
PROGRAM # 9581 12:00 PM PT

César Chavez Day.

Labor activists around the country marked Cesar Chavez’s national holiday. In California, demonstrators called on California Gov. Newsom to sign the Agricultural Labor Relations Voting Choice Act, which would allow farm workers to vote by mail in union elections. On another story, farm workers marched in Palm Beach, the home of the chairman of fast-food giant Wendy’s, urging him to join an agreement to support fair food and fight slavery in the fields.

Guests: Lucas Benítez, Coordinator, Coalition of Immokalee Workers, Immokalee, FL; Others TBA.

Immigrant Sheepherders Low Pay. Sheepherders are required to be at the work site 24/7. Still, these mostly migrant H2A workers are not eligible to receive the minimum wage and overtime pay benefits that are allowed for other farmworkers. Experts take a look at new federal and state regulations and efforts to reform H2A sheepherder labor protections.

Guests: Chris Schneider, Labor Activist, Visalia, CA; Heraclio Astete, Past President, Sheepherders Union, Fresno, CA.

Photo: UFW via Facebook

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