Challenges of Cities and Neighborhoods. Mixed-Status Families and Stimulus Checks. Beware of Holiday Scams.

Thursday_673x324 12pmTHURSDAY, DECEMBER 1
PROGRAM # 9842 12:00 PM PT

Challenges of Cities and Neighborhoods.

More than 3,000 local leaders from across the country recently met in Kansas City to discuss solutions to a wide range of issues facing cities, including public safety, homelessness and housing affordability, mental health, immigration, infrastructure investments, and the threat of the climate crisis.

Mixed-Status Families and Stimulus Checks. A new report by the Urban Institute found that underserved mixed-status families who received stimulus checks were able to avoid eviction, more debt and a housing crisis. At the same time, those families are hesitant to receive stimulus checks because of misinformation on immigration. The report also provides insights on how the federal government and community-based organizations can better support mixed-status families in accessing EIPs.

Beware of Holiday Scams. Three out of four Latinos have been the target of at least one form of fraud linked to the Christmas holidays. Contrary to popular belief, young adults are victims of fraud more often than older adults. This year, scammers are using donation requests, online shopping ads, false notifications about shipping issues, peer-to-peer payment platforms and gift cards to trick their potential victims. How to spot and avoid scams, and what to do if you’ve already been the target of scams or fraud?

Guest: Gilberto Cabrera, Advisor, AARP, Washington, DC.


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